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What If You Could...too?

Updated: May 24, 2022

I wanted to share and celebrate my exciting win! My children's book "What If You Could?" has been accepted by a Canadian publisher and will be on Amazon and Ingram towards the end of June. If you, or someone you love has been impacted by mental health issues read on. Below is the why for an upcoming audacious dream of mine.

Five years ago, on Father’s Day as I pulled my kayak out of Pike Lake near my home, I received "the phone call" that no one wants to hear; my younger brother had been found dead. Craig was 58 years old and had struggled with mental health issues from the time he was a young adult. Fifty years ago, mental health was not a subject that was spoken of. This was a dark period for me; my mother had died only a year earlier, and I was caught in an undertow of grief as I tried to make sense of my brother’s life and death.

As I’ve moved forward with my life, my brother has become an amazing teacher and inspiration for what I do today. This is what inspired the writing of my book “What If You Could?” It’s about a caterpillar who can “think” and longs to become more. As he begins to dream big, he hears from two voices from within; one voice is not nice at all! It asks him who he thinks he is, scoffs at his “big and foolish “dreams, and tells him to just be happy with what he has. He feels very discouraged and wants to give up on his dream. Perhaps can you relate to a time when you've heard from this voice? As this little caterpillar gets quiet, he hears from another voice. One that is loving…and invites the question and a new perspective “what if you could”? This voice tells him that if he keeps believing in his dream, a way will be made. I don’t want to spoil the ending, you’ll just have to read the book. I personally think this is a wonderful message for graduates or anyone in the midst of change.

When we live with Mental Health and Wellness, we are better able to discern and listen to the voice that lovingly guides us to believe and live into the best of who we are. This is what’s inspiring me to live into my dream, my “What If You Could?” and support in their quest to dissolve the barriers so all can access the mental health support they need.

On June 19-2022, I will leave Pike Lake Provincial Park, Saskatchewan where I received the news of Craig’s death 5 years ago, and begin my cycling journey of 3000 kilometers to arrive in Montreal, Quebec by early September. Part of my big audacious dream is to raise $100,000 in support of mental health awareness for A portion of all my book sales will be gifted to and I have a donor page for this This is not just my ride; it is everyone’s ride. Who among us has not been impacted by our own, or someone else’s experience of mental distress? was created in memory of Jack Windeler. He was 18 years old when he died by suicide, in his first year at Queen's University; and for whatever reasons, Jack was unable to reach out for the help he needed. Wanting to ensure that every young person struggling is identified and gets the help they need, Jack's parents started a memorial fund that grew into Their mission is to empower young leaders to revolutionize mental health nationwide; to identify and dismantle barriers to positive mental health. They're working towards a society where all people understand how to take care of their own mental health and look out for each other- without shame, and those that need support, get the help they deserve. Sadly, suicide is still the leading health-related cause of death for young people in Canada.

To learn more about and support my vision of raising $100000 for, please visit

If you’d know of others who would be willing to support my vision and follow my adventure this summer, please share this newsletter and invite them to subscribe to my newsletter at

Just so you know, the voice of fear has quite a lot to say to me these days. I continually have to invite the voice of possibility into my inner dialogue, and listen for the whisper of “what if you could Lynne”.

I have a vision and this is where it all begins. Here’s to living into your “what if you could?”

Warmest Best Wishes and Blessings,


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